Windows 11 Upgrade


I need information about the Windows 11 upgrade on my machine.


  • WKU-owned Windows computer


WKU ITS is working toward transitioning all WKU-owned machines to the Windows 11 operating system by October 2025. You can find more information about computers that will support Windows 11 on our Windows 11 Support page.



Before Upgrading

  1. On your desktop, double click the application called Windows 11 - Are You Ready
  2. The message you see on the page will match one of the options below, select the matching option below and refer to the instructions.


After Upgrading

If you are still seeing a message asking you to upgrade, it will be removed automatically within 24-48 hours after the upgrade was installed. To remove the message immediately, follow the instructions below.

  1. Click Start  icon.
  2. Type Task Scheduler
  3. In the center pane, click Remove Win11 Ineligible Message.
  4. In the right pane, click Run.
  5. The message will be removed the next time you log into your computer.