Search21 Results

Instructions for instructors on how to put students from multiple classes into one course site.
Information regarding dropping classes after the add/drop date.
Instructions for completing a Course Copy with Blackboard Ultra courses.
Information and instructions for troubleshooting instructor-level access to Blackboard courses.
Information on when you will be able to login Blackboard.
How to schedule a Zoom meeting using the Zoom Desktop Client.
Instructions for accessing Zoom Cloud Recordings.
Information on how to access the current semester's schedule, including class titles, locations, and meeting times, according to TopNet.
Instructions for enabling closed-captioning capabilities on the user-level for Zoom cloud recording
Instructions for printing out all Blackboard Course Site announcements.
Information on access Blackboard classed even though there is an Urgent! message displayed when I log in.
Instructions for accessing Syllabi from previous semesters in TopNet.
Instructions on how to view academic holds.
Instructions for students on dropping or withdrawing from classes.
Information about where you can register for classes when you are on WKU's Bowling Green campus.