Search17 Results

Instructions on how to move an item in a Blackboard course that you manage.
Instructions for opening SPSS and creating a desktop shortcut.
Instructions for moving content items in a Blackboard Ultra course.
Information for a list of WKU provided maps of campus, etc.
Instructions for finding saved Zoom recordings on your computer.
Instructions for creating a hyperlink in a Word document that leads to a specific location on the same document.
Instructions for opening SAS after installation.
Information about the kinds of Ethernet connections at WKU buildings.
Instructions for resolving the "Access Blocked" error message on WKU's WiFi.
Instructions on turning Windows location services off or on.
Instructions for finding a downloaded file on a Mac computer.
Information regarding missing downloaded files.
Information on where unsaved files opened through Firefox are stored.
Instructions on how to change where Firefox downloads files.
Instructions for disabling Google Chrome asking to save each file before downloading.