Search35 Results
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- TopNet
- Faculty Services
Instructions for requesting TopNet Faculty Services tab in TopNet.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- TopNet
- Advisors & Student Data Inquiry
Information about renewing student worker TopNet accounts.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- TopNet
- Accounts
Information about activating a new faculty member to allow courses to be assigned to them.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Duo
Information on what to do when you get a new phone number after being enrolled in Duo.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Duo
Instructions on how to add a new device to your Duo Mobile account.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Phone & Voicemail
Information about requesting a new phone or fax line to be activated for an area or new employee.
- Knowledge Base
- ITS Services & Resources
- ITS Training
Information about how to sign-up for New Employee ITS Orientation.
- Knowledge Base
- ITS Services & Resources
- ITS Training
Instructions on how to request online ITS trainings for a student worker.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
Information regarding adding new user accounts to an Authorize.Net payment account.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Omni CMS
- Directories/Pages
Instructions for creating a new page in Omni CMS.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
Information on how to rename your WKU email account.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Omni CMS
- Add-Ons
- News
Instructions on creating a News Addon component with Omni CMS.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
Instructions for requesting a new Public Folder or shard calendar.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Programs
- Microsoft 365
- Microsoft 365 (Windows)
Instructions for enabling or disabling sound notifications for messages in Outlook.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Blackboard
Information on navigating around in the Blackboard Ultra Training through Blackboard.