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Information about what to do if your tests/quizzes are missing after performing a course copy on Blackboard.
Instructions for instructors on creating a test in Blackboard.
Instructions for students on viewing feedback on a graded assignment/assessment in Blackboard.
Instructions for creating a poll for a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Instructions for changing the Assessment results timing for the test.
Instructions for creating and placing items in a grade category in Blackboard Ultra.
Information about the Respondus LockDown Monitor for Blackboard exams.
Instructions for adding images to test answers in Blackboard.
Instructions for identifying the circumstances causing some student's test attempts to display a Needs Grading indicator for tests that should be auto-graded.
Instructions for importing a test created with Cengage products.
Instructions for adding a password to tests.
Information regarding editing an assessment after an attempt has been recorded.
Instructions for importing and exporting tests inside of Blackboard.