Search51 Results

Instructions on how to change default PDF document opening behavior within web browsers.
Instructions on how to install Adobe Creative Cloud applications from WKU.
Instructions for requesting purchasing for Adobe Creative Cloud.
Instructions for what to do when encountering error 1310 when installing Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions for correcting the error Installation Problem: IMS lib not found when opening Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions and information regarding error 28000 when opening Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions on using Adobe Sign.
Information about run-time errors when using an unsupported version of Adobe Acrobat with newer versions of Microsoft Office on macOS devices.
Instructions for running a repair of Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions on how to enable the Adobe PDF plugin to restore the missing toolbar button.
Instructions for installing Adobe Reader.
Instructions for logging into an Adobe Creative Cloud account purchased through WKU ITS.
Instructions for logging into the Adobe Creative Cloud on a lab, classroom, or student workstation.
Instructions for printing PDFs to an MPS printer using Google Chrome or Adobe Reader/Acrobat on a macOS computer.
Information about the Cannot Print error in Adobe Reader.