How do I add a user to my blog site?
- WKU WordPress Blog server
- Login to your blog's administrative dashboard, you should be able to add '/wp-admin' to the end of your blog URL. See below for an example.
- Example,
- Hover over My Sites in the top menu bar, and select the site for which you would like to add a user.
- In the left hand side menu, hover over Users and select Add WKU NetID Authenticated User.
Note: Add WKU NetID Authenticated User is the recommend and supported method for adding new users.
- Fill out the following information, accordingly.
- NetID (required) - the user's NetID
- Role - pick one of the desired roles, described below
- Subscriber - somebody who can only manage their profile
- Editor - somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users
- Contributor - somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them
- Author - somebody who can publish and manage their own posts
- Administrator - somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site
- Skip Confirmation Email - check this to not send a notification email to the user being added. We recommend checking this option, but it is not necessary
- When you have completed filling in the necessary information, click the Add New User button.
- You should receive the message:
Just created user [NetID] as [Role] for site.
- If you get the message:
Could not create a new Wordpress account because the directory username NETID is already registered on this site
the account already exists on It will need to be added as an existing user:
- In the left hand side menu, under Users, select Add New.
- Enter the NetID or email address in the Add Existing User section. The user's name should show up as you are typing it.
- Add the appropriate Role as above.
- Click Add Existing User.
Note: If you do not see a success message, make sure the NetID/email address is correct and try again. If you continue to experience trouble, please make note of the error message and contact the ITS Service Desk or submit a service request by clicking the Request Service button.