Receiving Error Message: Connected to Server


Within Milestone Smart Client, there is an error message that says, "Connected to server," but all of the live and playback camera feeds are unavailable.


  • Windows
    • Milestone Smart Client


A recent change with the computer hardware or a new version of Smart Client has been installed.


  1. Open the Milestone Smart Client desktop client.
  2. In the top, right corner, click the  drop down arrow, and select Settings.
  3. In the Settings menu, from the left pane, choose Advanced.
  4. In the right pane, find Hardware acceleration and change the drop down menu from Auto to Off.
  5. Click Close on the Settings menu.
  6. If the camera feeds do not display, restart Smart Client.
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Article ID: 3217
Mon 2/18/19 11:08 AM
Thu 4/18/24 9:18 AM

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