ITS Services & Resources

Articles about ITS services and resources offered by WKU ITS.

Categories (10)

Audiovisual & Conferencing Services

Articles about the AVS systems such as classrooms, Zoom and Zoom rooms and conference rooms.

Classrooms & Labs

Articles about the WKU classroom technology, Academic Technology computer labs, and departmental computer labs.

ITS Service Desk

Articles about the ITS Service Desk and its services ( ).

ITS Training

Articles about training courses and video tutorials offered by WKU ITS.

Library Systems Office

Articles about the WKU library systems, equipment, databases, forms, and so forth.


Articles about security systems, procedures, and safety.


Articles about TopperTech and its services ( ).

Unsupported Systems

Articles about unsupported systems by WKU ITS.

Video Surveillance

Articles about the WKU video surveillance system.

Projects & Events

Articles about ITS Services & Events.