Double-Sided Printing From Word 2007


I need to print double-sided in Word 2007. 


  • Windows 7+
    • Microsoft Word 2007


In Word 2007 double-sided printing is called duplex printing and may need to be enabled.


Microsoft Office 2007 is currently unsupported by WKU ITS. This article is for refence material only. 
  1. Click File.
  2. Choose the Print option.
  3. From the list of available printers, select the printer on which you want the document printed.
  4. Click on the Properties button.
  5. Select the Paper tab. 
  6. Click the More Options button.
  7. Change the Duplex Printing option to either Flip on Long Edge or Flip on Short Edge, depending on how you want your document printed.
  8. Close the dialog boxes and print your document.
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Article ID: 3325
Fri 6/7/19 9:52 AM
Fri 6/7/19 10:34 AM