Not Eligible to Run an iCAP Audit


I receive the this message when trying to run an iCAP audit.

You are not eligible to run an iCAP audit or iCAP General Education Audit report because of at least one of the following reasons:

  • You are a graduate student. Contact the Graduate School for information about your program at or (270) 745-2446.
  • You have a degree program on file in the Office of the Registrar.
  • You are seeking a second associate or baccalaureate degree. Students seeking a second degree must complete the Second Degree Program Form.
  • You have entered a SOC agreement. Please contact your advisor.

If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact your advisor or the Office of the Registrar at (270) 745-6451.


  • TopNet


iCAP is unable to list degree program requirements for some students, including graduate students, students with special degree plans, or students seeking a second degree at the same level.


If you would like to see a list of courses already completed, access an Unofficial Academic Transcript instead. If you would like information about your progress towards a degree contact the Office of the Registrar at 270-745-3351.

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Article ID: 3386
Fri 9/13/19 11:49 AM
Mon 12/2/19 1:00 PM