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Instructions for configuring Respondus to interact with WKU Blackboard.
Information about what to do if your tests/quizzes are missing after performing a course copy on Blackboard.
Instructions for uploading an offline assignment in Blackboard.
Instructions for creating a copy of a test in Blackboard Original View courses.
Instructions for changing the Assessment results timing for the test.
Instructions for enabling iPad access to a Respondus LockDown Browser test.
Instructions on how to print an exam from Respondus.
Instructions for using the Date Management feature in Blackboard.
Instructions for adding images to test answers in Blackboard.
Instructions on how to insert an image into a Blackboard test question.
Instructions for identifying the circumstances causing some student's test attempts to display a Needs Grading indicator for tests that should be auto-graded.
Information about printing from Blackboard.
Instructions on how to copy tests between courses.
Instructions for viewing an assessment attempt.
Instructions for creating a pool from an existing bank of test questions.