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Instructions for completing a Course Copy with Blackboard Ultra courses.
Instructions for an instructor to manually force a submission of an assessment for a student.
Instructions for receiving Not a Valid Professor when updating Instructor of Record on Banner.
Information on what to do if you do not see your course in Blackboard.
Instructions for requesting student access to past courses that are outside of a normal course term.
Details on how to resolve a technical issue with WKU Classroom hardware.
Instructions on how to request online ITS trainings for a student worker.
Information for students on what to do when they see a course they are not enrolled when they login to Blackboard.
Instructions for removing an instructor, TA, or GA from a course site.
Instructions on adding other instructors, TAs, or GAs to a Blackboard course site.
Information and instructions for troubleshooting instructor-level access to Blackboard courses.
Instructions on how to force the instructor to be included on all bulk emails sent by students through Blackboard.
Instructions for creating groups within a Blackboard course site by the instructor.
Directions on what to do if you are unable to send an email to your instructor from Toppermail.
Information on navigating around in the Blackboard Ultra Training through Blackboard.