Search26 Results

Instructions for saving an image embedded in an email.
Instructions for saving work within an AppStreaming application.
Instructions for installing OneDrive and setting up OneDrive to sync files.
Information about saving scanned documents locally.
Instructions for connecting to and saving Office documents in OneDrive while using the AppStreaming service.
Instructions on how to fix the Save as Adobe PDF function in Microsoft Word.
Instructions on how to submit a submission draft on Blackboard.
Instructions for exporting a PowerPoint presentation as an MP4.
Instructions for downloading form submissions to be viewed as a spreadsheet through Omni CMS.
Instructions for saving a PDF for offline reading in iOS.
Instructions for opening an AutoRecover (.asd) file in Microsoft Word.
Instructions on how to find where your snapshots are saving from Milestone XProtect Smart Client.
Instructions for saving an attachment from OWA.
Instructions for printing or making a PDF with Windows 10.
Instructions on how to stop Adobe Acrobat X from saving a PDF instead of printing it when you select to print.