Search19 Results

Instructions for creating a new Zoom account or signing into a Zoom account licensed by WKU.
Instructions for logging into Coggle using your Google account.
Instructions for resolving a Microsoft account requires JavaScript to Sign-in error.
Instructions for logging into an Adobe Creative Cloud account purchased through WKU ITS.
Instructions for signing a PDF file with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Information about how to sign-up for New Employee ITS Orientation.
Instructions for logging into WKU email.
Instructions on using Adobe Sign.
Instructions for signing into Zoom add-in for the first time after installing it in O365.
Information about Outlook Web Access (OWA) loading a non-WKU account when clicking a link to navigate to the account.
Instructions for adding a signature line to a Word 2016 document.
Information about accessing a TopperMail account that uses Azure Active Directory.
Instructions on what to do when you can't sign into the Parking and Transportation Permit website but you can sign into myWKU.
Instructions for turning on the ability to sign PDFs in Adobe Reader.
Information regarding changing a signed PDF.