Uploading a File to OneDrive on WKU-Owned Machine


How do I save a file to OneDrive from a WKU Windows Lab or Instructor Computer?


  • OneDrive
  • WKU Windows Lab or Instructor Computers


  1. Complete and save your file to the Documents folder of the lab or instructor computer.
  2. Sign into OneDrive with your WKU account.
  3. Click My files on the left side of the screen.
  4. Choose the folder that you want to upload your document to.
  5. Click  Add new button on the left side of the screen.
  6. Select Files upload.
  7. Navigate to the Documents folder and select the file you want to save to OneDrive.
  8. Click Open.
  9. Wait until your file is uploaded and appears in OneDrive Documents folder. You can now logout of OneDrive.
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Article ID: 4174
Thu 9/26/24 3:13 PM
Mon 9/30/24 10:57 AM