Missing Items in Course Menu


I can't see items in my Course Menu on Blackboard anymore.


  • Blackboard
    • Original Course View


The item has been hidden by the instructor or Adaptive Release (time/date) settings prevent it from being displayed.



If an item is missing from the Course Menu in Blackboard, you must contact the instructor to resolve the issue.


Note: If a content area has no content it will stay hidden to the student role, even if the content area is visible in the content menu.

  1. Open your course site in Blackboard.
  2. Turn Edit Mode on.
  3. Check each item in the course menu on the left. Items accompanied by a square with a strike through it are hidden from students.
    1. To unhide these items, place your cursor over the item.
    2. Click on the item options chevron .
    3. Click Show Link.
      1. If Hide Link is the only option displayed, do nothing and continue the steps below.
      2. If the square with a strike through is still visible after clicking Show Link, continue following the steps below.
  4. If the item is a Content Area, click on the affected link in the course menu. Additional settings may prevent students from viewing Content Areas/Folders.
  5. Click on the page options chevron  at the top of the page next to the page title.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Scroll down to the Standard Options section.
  8. Verify that Yes is selected next to Permit Users to View this Content.
  9. Verify that the checkboxes next to Display After and Display Until are unchecked. When these options are checked, students will only be able to view this page during the time range indicated here.
  10. Click Submit to save changes.
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Article ID: 66
Tue 4/29/14 7:23 AM
Tue 11/28/23 11:32 AM