Search88 Results

Instructions for requesting student access to past courses that are outside of a normal course term.
Information regarding dropping classes after the add/drop date.
Instructions for setting accommodations for students in a Blackboard course.
Instructions for fixing Mediasite links that redirect in Blackboard.
Instructions for copying items with Course Copy.
Information on how to save a course roster as a spreadsheet for opening in Excel and other spreadsheet programs.
Instructions for Instructors on how to change their default course entry page in Blackboard Original View.
Instructions for changing the Assessment results timing for the test.
Instructions for how to check a students progress of an assignment in Blackboard.
Information regarding support for Blackboard Collaborate.
Information regarding extending the length of a recorded Mediasite video.
Instructions for Instructors on making course links in the course menu available to the students.
Instructions on how to request online ITS trainings for a student worker.
Information about requesting publisher integration into Blackboard Course Sites.
Information for students on what to do when they see a course they are not enrolled when they login to Blackboard.