Search93 Results

Instructions for archiving a Blackboard course.
Instructions for completing a Course Copy with Blackboard Ultra courses.
Instructions for closing a Blackboard course or opening a course that was previously closed.
Instructions for instructors on how to put students from multiple classes into one course site.
Information about the size limit of Blackboard courses and organizations.
Information about dropping a cancelled course.
Instructions for making Blackboard Ultra courses available.
Information regarding what to do if assignments are missing after using Course Copy.
Instructions for turning off automatic zeros in Blackboard Ultra.
Information about disabling the Blackboard Messages in specific courses.
Instructions for Blackboard instructors on how to enable their course sites.
Information about activating a new faculty member to allow courses to be assigned to them.
Information about using Respondus with Blackboard Ultra courses.
Instructions on what to do when needing to add a non-WKU TA to a WKU Blackboard Course Site as a TA role.
Instructions for logging into CPDOnline.