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Instructions on what to do when you get the message "login attempts exceeded" when trying to login to Web CMS.
Instructions for Blackboard Instructors on how to view a log of attempts, cleared attempts, overrides, and exemptions for a grade.
Information on "temporary locked" error message when trying to login to email.
Instructions for enabling attempts taken on assessments through Blackboard.
Information on how to resolve too many failed attempts on the WKU Accounts and Logins web page ( ).
Instructions on how to submit a submission draft on Blackboard.
Information about changing an assignment after it is submitted.
Instructions for viewing an assessment attempt.
Information about multiple attempts appearing under Needs Grading, even after a grade has been awarded in the Grade Center.
Instructions on changing a Blackboard assignment to allow multiple submission attempts.
Information about submitting multiple attempts to SafeAssign.
Information on retaking a locked assessment.
Information on how to view the time when a test attempt was begun, the time when each question's answer was saved, and the time when the attempt was submitted.