Search41 Results

Instructions for creating a new Outlook profile.
Information on where to get assistance with designing your Web CMS website.
Instructions on requesting a new website through Web CMS.
Instructions for creating a new page in Web CMS.
Instructions for creating a new Zoom account or signing into a Zoom account licensed by WKU.
Instructions for creating a poll for a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Information about getting a WKU email account created for Affiliates or Non-Employees of WKU.
Instructions for making an appointment in Outlook.
Instructions for Facultly/Staff on creating guest accounts.
Information about creating folders on the WKU Shared Drive.
Instructions for downloading and installing MATLAB or using MATLAB Online.
Instructions on using Adobe Sign.
Instructions for Alumni requesting that a WKU email account be created.
Instructions on how to create a form or template to send the same or similar emails without having to re-type them over and over.
Instructions for creating groups within a Blackboard course site by the instructor.