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Instructions for making an exam in Blackboard Ultra worth extra credit points rather than standard grading for a course.
Instructions for instructors on creating a test in Blackboard.
Instructions for students on viewing feedback on a graded assignment/assessment in Blackboard.
Instructions on how to print an exam from Respondus.
Information about the Respondus LockDown Monitor for Blackboard exams.
Information regarding what to do if assignments are missing after using Course Copy.
Instructions for using the Date Management feature in Blackboard.
Instructions for adding images to test answers in Blackboard.
Instructions on how to insert an image into a Blackboard test question.
Information about printing from Blackboard.
Instructions for completing an Item Analysis report to review student grades and answers for an exam.
Instructions for view test scores (ACT, SAT, etc.) sent to WKU in TopNet.
Information about what to do if your tests/quizzes are missing after performing a course copy on Blackboard.
Information on how to resolve the error that Respondus cannot download an exam because the Bb server is not set up correctly to Export exams.
Instructions for enabling or disabling random ordering of test questions on Blackboard Exams.