Search32 Results

Instructions for looking up remaining Print Allocation balance for students or faculty/staff.
Information for hiring managers on how to disable WKU accounts for a terminated employee.
Information for employees on how to request Banner, InfoView, and TopNet accounts and/or training for these systems.
Instructions for requesting TopNet Faculty Services tab in TopNet.
Instructions on what to do if your Faculty/Advisors & Student Data Inquiry tab disappears.
Information about activating a new faculty member to allow courses to be assigned to them.
Instructions for WKU faculty, staff, and students to create a laptop reservation using the Connect2 system.
Information on what to do when a campus phone number needs to be assigned to another employee.
Information about how to sign-up for New Employee ITS Orientation.
Information for Faculty/Staff/Students about installing Microsoft 365 on a personal computer.
Information about Interview Exchange.
Information about the WKU IT Division's scope of support on personal devices of faculty, staff, and alumni.
Information on when Faculty and Staff will get their email account created.
Information about access email for retirees, temporary/seasonal, and other employees leaving WKU.
Instructions on how to request online ITS trainings for a student worker.