Search52 Results

Instructions for instructors on how to link to their Mediasite presentations within Blackboard.
Instructions for on how to share Mediasite recordings.
Instructions for fixing Mediasite links that redirect in Blackboard.
Instructions for creating hyperlinks in the Blackboard text editor.
Instructions on saving/downloading an attachment from Blackboard.
Instructions for setting Outlook to open links using the default browser.
Instructions for Instructors on making course links in the course menu available to the students.
Instructions to fix the accessibility final check serious problem: links must have discernible text.
Information regarding the following error on Blackboard: Access Denied: Resource does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to access this resource.
Instructions for using the link check feature of final checks when publishing a page.
Instructions for resolving an issue with images appearing as broken when they are inserted in to a page.
Directions to find broken links on pages in Omni CMS.
Instructions for managing bookmarks in myWKU such as adding, editing, and deleting bookmarks and folders.
Instructions for adding URLs / links to Blackboard Ultra Course View Sites.
Instructions for creating a new Content Area in Blackboard Original View courses.