Adding Links to Blackboard Ultra Courses


How do I add URLs or links, such as a Zoom meeting, to my Blackboard Ultra View Course Sites? 


  • Blackboard
    • Ultra View Course Sites


  1. Navigate to the course in question. 
  2. Navigate to the area of the course where you want the link to reside. 
  3. Hover over the plus circle and click Create
  4. Select Link from the list. 
  5. Select the Web Link tab (this should be selected by default) if it is not already selected. 
  6. Enter in the information requested, being sure to provide a full description of what the link is and how it should be used for the course. 
  7. Click Save
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Article ID: 4042
Thu 8/3/23 9:16 AM
Wed 10/25/23 2:37 PM