Forwarding All Calls (Cisco)


How do I forward calls from my Cisco office phone to another number?


  • Cisco Phones


If you have configured Jabber for your cell phone calls will automatically start ringing to your Jabber app. If you configure all calls to also forward to your cell phone number, calling functionality will not work.

 Note: You cannot forward your campus phone to a long distance number for off-campus forwarding.

Method 1

  1. Press the Forward All softkey.
     Note: This option is usually at the bottom of the screen, the third button from the left. You only see this option if you are not actively talking on the phone.
    Note: Calls that are missed while the extension is being forwarded to a cell phone can be found on the cell phone's voicemail box instead of the WKU voicemail box.
  2. Dial the phone number, select from Call history, or press the Messages button to forward to voicemail.
  3. The phone will confirm all calls are now being forwarded.

Method 2

  1. Navigate to
  2. Login using your NetID and password.
  3. Click the phone you wish to setup forward on.
  4. Click Forwarding.
  5. Click Click to Show Fields (1).
  6. Type the phone number you wish to forward calls to. If you wish to forward to voicemail, you may click the box below Forward Calls Directly to Voicemail.
  7. You will receive an email confirming all calls are now being forwarded.
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Article ID: 2493
Mon 12/5/16 1:34 PM
Thu 3/9/23 8:52 AM

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