I cannot open PDF files, and Adobe Reader gives this error:
Fatal Error: Acrobat failed to connect to the DDE server.
Once you have completed the steps, limit use of Adobe Acrobat to 1-2 PDF's at a time. Make sure to close out of any unused Adobe Acrobat windows, as this will help prevent the error in the future.
Method 1
- Close out of all Adobe Acrobat windows.
- Click the Windows logo
- Type
task manager
- Open Task Manager.
- Click More details.
- Right-click and select End Task for all Adobe Acrobat processes. Scroll down to check for Background Processes. If you see any for Adobe Acrobat, right-click and select End Task.
- Open a PDF with Adobe Acrobat.
Method 2
- Restart the machine.
- Uninstall and reinstall the program. You can get instructions for installing Adobe Reader here.
If the above steps do not work, try the following.
- Check whether an anti-virus program is installed on the machine.
- If yes, disable the program. Check whether the problem is resolved.
- Update your Acrobat to the latest version, and check whether the problem is resolved.
- To automatically update from Acrobat, choose Help > Check for updates. Follow the steps in the Updater window to download and install the latest updates.
If issues persist, please contact the ITS Service Desk.