Re-enabling a Disabled TopNet Account


I have reset my TopNet PIN and still cannot log into Topnet.


  • TopNet


A disabled TopNet account can prevent a user from signing into TopNet, even after resetting the PIN associated with the account. 


The following instructions are to be utilized by internal ITS employees only.
If this is a Student Worker TopNet Account (ex. ST1234567) please following instructions here.​​​​
  1. Open Banner.
  2. Navigate to the form named GOATPAD.
  3. Enter the WKUID into the ID field on the form.
  4. Click Go.
  5. Enter a new 6-digit PIN in the PIN box.
  6. Confirm the same 6-digit PIN in the Confirm New PIN box.
  7.  Change the Expiration Date to a future date of 12/30/2099
  8.  Click Save in the bottom-right corner.
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Article ID: 4159
Mon 7/29/24 12:33 PM
Mon 7/29/24 12:46 PM

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