Search67 Results
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- TopNet
- Admission Application
Instructions on how to create an account for the WKU admissions application.
- Knowledge Base
- ITS Services & Resources
- Audiovisual & Conferencing Services
- Zoom
Instructions for creating a new Zoom account or signing into a Zoom account licensed by WKU.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- WKU Blog Site
Instructions on how to request a WKU site.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Accounts & Passwords
- Guest Accounts
Information about overriding the maximum number of guest accounts.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Blackboard
Instructions for creating a rubric in Blackboard Ultra.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Blackboard
Information regarding the types of rubrics that can be created for a course.
- Knowledge Base
- ITS Services & Resources
- Audiovisual & Conferencing Services
- Zoom
Instructions for creating a poll for a scheduled Zoom meeting.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Information on when Faculty and Staff will get their email account created.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Information about getting a WKU email account created for Affiliates or Non-Employees of WKU.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Programs
- Microsoft 365
Instructions on creating mailing groups in Outlook.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Programs
- Microsoft 365
- Microsoft 365 (Windows)
Instructions for making an appointment in Outlook.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Accounts & Passwords
- Guest Accounts
Instructions for Facultly/Staff on creating guest accounts.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Blackboard
- SafeAssign
Instructions for Instructors on creating a new SafeAssign assignment.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Instructions for requesting a shared mailbox account (e.g.,
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Active Directory
- Shared & Personal Drives
Information about creating folders on the WKU Shared Drive.