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Instructions for a Main Site Contact on giving someone rights to edit an Omni CMS page.
Instructions for using the accessibility check feature of final checks when publishing a page.
Information about not being able to publish pages in Omni CMS.
Instructions for using the the spelling check feature of final checks when publishing a page.
Instructions for using the link check feature of final checks when publishing a page.
Instructions for resolving an issue with images appearing as broken when they are inserted in to a page.
Instructions for creating WKU style tables in the WYSIWYG editor in Omni CMS.
Instructions for adding an MP3 to a WKU site through Omni CMS.
Instructions on how to add any of the available Snippets to Omni CMS: accordions, alerts, cards, columns, countdowns, lists, maps, modals, social media, tabs, timeline, YouTube.
Instructions for searching for checked out pages or assets in Omni CMS.
Instructions for creating a grid gallery asset in Omni CMS.
Instructions for adding a slider (carousel image gallery) to the top of a page above the page's title and content in the new Site Template.
Instructions for enabling the Image Slider Region at the top of a page and adding a gallery.
Instructions on how to rename a page in Omni CMS.