Adding A Profile Photo in OWA


How do I add a profile picture to my email account online?


  • Outlook Web Access


  1. Log into OWA.
  2. Click on your account (last-initial, first-initial)  in the top-right corner.
  3. Click on the existing photo or your initials in the circle; a camera  icon should appear.
  4. In the window that pops up, click Upload a new photo
  5. Browse to and select the photo you wish to use for your profile photo, click Open
  6. Make any needed cropping and resizing adjustments and click Apply.
  7. You may need to refresh or log out and back into OWA for the changes to be visible. 
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Article ID: 3701
Tue 11/10/20 10:57 AM
Tue 8/20/24 8:14 AM