Search98 Results
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Accounts & Passwords
Information for hiring managers on how to disable WKU accounts for a terminated employee.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Instructions on handling a compromised faculty / staff email account.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- OWA (Outlook Web Access)
Instructions for creating automatic replies, also known as vacation or out of office messages, in OWA (Outlook Web Access).
- Knowledge Base
- Mobile Devices
- iOS
Instructions for adding a WKU Account (Faculty/Staff email) to an iOS device.
- Knowledge Base
- Mobile Devices
- iOS
Instructions for adding WKU Email to an iOS device using the Outlook for iOS app.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Using Email
Information on unsending an email.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Interview Exchange
Information about problems with Interview Exchange.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Information on when Faculty and Staff will get their email account created.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
Information on how WKU Email addresses (Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, and Affiliates) are formatted.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Distribution Lists
Instructions on having someone's distribution groups modified.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Instructions for logging into WKU email.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Settings and Configuration
Information about access email for retirees, temporary/seasonal, and other employees leaving WKU.
- Knowledge Base
- Mobile Devices
- Android
Instructions for adding a WKU Exchange account through the Outlook for Android app.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- WKU Email Accounts
- Using Email
Information about the meaning of bounce back emails you can receive when sending emails from your Exchange account.
- Knowledge Base
- Email & Calendars
- Mailing Lists
Instructions on how to request a new mailing list hosted by WKU ITS.