Search98 Results

Information for hiring managers on how to disable WKU accounts for a terminated employee.
Instructions on handling a compromised faculty / staff email account.
Instructions for creating automatic replies, also known as vacation or out of office messages, in OWA (Outlook Web Access).
Instructions for adding a WKU Account (Faculty/Staff email) to an iOS device.
Instructions for adding WKU Email to an iOS device using the Outlook for iOS app.
Information on unsending an email.
Information about problems with Interview Exchange.
Information on when Faculty and Staff will get their email account created.
Information on how WKU Email addresses (Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, and Affiliates) are formatted.
Instructions on having someone's distribution groups modified.
Instructions for logging into WKU email.
Information about access email for retirees, temporary/seasonal, and other employees leaving WKU.
Instructions for adding a WKU Exchange account through the Outlook for Android app.
Information about the meaning of bounce back emails you can receive when sending emails from your Exchange account.
Instructions on how to request a new mailing list hosted by WKU ITS.