Search17 Results

Instructions on resolving an issue where a Blackboard discussion board submission won't save.
Information about why submitted forms in Web CMS may not be emailing.
Instructions for Blackboard Instructors on how to view a log of attempts, cleared attempts, overrides, and exemptions for a grade.
Instructions for including a CAPTCHA in Web CMS.
Instructions for downloading form submissions to be viewed as a spreadsheet through Web CMS.
Instructions for viewing SafeAssignments that are not in the gradebook.
Instructions for Instructors on creating an assignment in Blackboard.
Instructions for clearing an attempt at an assignment or assessment from the Blackboard Grade Center
Instructions on how to submit a submission draft on Blackboard.
Instructions for downloading submitted files on Blackboard.
Information about submitting multiple attempts to SafeAssign.
Information on checking the word count in Blackboard.
Information about TopNet not displaying "Grades submitted" message when viewing Final Grades as an instructor.
Information about submission errors from SafeAssign.
Instructions on submitting a PDF from via Google Chrome.