Incorrect User Name or Password Error


Though I am entering the correct information, I receive this error message when trying to login to my computer:

The user name or password is incorrect. Try again.


  • Windows


There might be spaces in the NetID field causing the username not to be recognized.


  1. Click the NetID field.
  2. Hold Ctrl and press A.
  3. Press Delete or Backspace.
  4. Retype NetID and Password.
  5. If the issue persists, try rebooting the computer and trying again.

If the problem continues, see the related articles for other possible resolutions.

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Article ID: 1057
Tue 1/6/15 1:10 PM
Thu 1/28/21 8:40 AM

Related Articles (4)

Information about logging in to a WKU-owned laptop.
Information regarding logging in to a WKU-owned computer.
Information about the "No log-on servers available" error you can get when trying to log in to a WKU-owned computer.
Instructions for unlocking a computer that was locked by another user.