Not Receiving Instructor Emails


My instructor is trying to send emails through Blackboard, but I am not receiving them.


When an instructor sends an email through Blackboard, the message does not come from the instructor's personal e-mail account (, but from the generic account


  1. Log into TopperMail.
  2. Click  (gear icon).
  3. Select Options.
  4. Expand Mail.
  5. Expand Accounts.
  6. Click Block or allow.
  7. Remove from the Blocked Senders list.
    If this does not resolve the issue, check with the instructor to see if any other students are not receiving messages. It may be a matter of student groups being configured improperly.
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Article ID: 1809
Tue 9/29/15 10:56 AM
Fri 2/12/21 10:52 AM

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Instructions on what to do when you notice you are no longer receiving emails to your WKU email account.
Directions on what to do if you are unable to send an email to your instructor from Toppermail.