Scheduling a Zoom or Telephone Audio Conference


How do I schedule a Zoom or Telephone Audio Conference?


  • Zoom
  • MacOS
  • Windows


Before proceeding, make sure that you have created your WKU-licensed Zoom account at and also ensure that you have the Zoom Desktop Client installed.
  1. Open your Zoom client and sign into Zoom.
  2. Click the Schedule icon.
  3. Select your meeting settings. Learn more about Zoom Meeting Options here.  
  4. Under Audio, select Telephone to schedule an audio-only conference.
  5. Under Advanced Options, select Join Before Host.
    Note: Join before host allows attendees to join the meeting before the host joins or when the host cannot attend the meeting. This is highly recommended. 
  6. Click Schedule to finish. 
    • If you chose Outlook, you will see an Outlook window open, ready to send the info for your Zoom meeting as an Outlook event. Learn how to schedule Zoom meetings within Outlook using the Zoom Outlook Plugin.
    • If you chose Google Calendar, you will see a Google window open prompting you to grant Zoom permission to view and edit events on your calendar.
    • If you chose Other Calendar, you will see a window with information about your meeting and the option to Copy to Clipboard.
  7. Open the selected calendar service you chose to add the meeting to your chosen calendar and invite attendees.
  8. The info your meeting attendees will need, including the location-specific phone number they will need to dial to enter the meeting and the meeting ID, is contained in the auto-generated info within the meeting invite.
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Article ID: 3491
Mon 3/16/20 9:15 AM
Fri 12/15/23 1:07 PM