Looking up EAC Card Number


How do I look up the electronic access control card number associated with an issued WKU ID card?


If you have a business need to look up EAC card numbers, such as for WKU electronic access control assignments, you may submit an ITS ticket to request access to this system.


  1. Visit https://wku.atriumcampus.com/.
  2. Choose WKU Login and log in with NetID and password.
  3. On the Dashboard, use the Quick Search to search by WKUID.
  4. Click the person search result to go to their profile.
  5. Under the section labeled IDs, ID Number will be the "card number" you want to copy.
    Note: If there is no information listed under IDs, this person will need to visit the WKU ID Center to be issued a new card. If there is an ID listed, but the status is Lost or Inactive, this person will need to visit the ID Center to have the issue resolved.


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Article ID: 3722
Tue 1/12/21 3:40 PM
Thu 4/18/24 9:24 AM

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