I need information for how long Zoom Cloud recordings can be stored on my account.
Effective August 18th 2025,
All recordings stored on the WKU Zoom Cloud will be subject to a retention period of two years beginning on the date of the recording’s creation.
Zoom Cloud recordings two years of age and older will be subject to an auto-deletion process, wherein they will be sent to the Zoom Cloud Trash folder for thirty days. The owner of the recording will still be able to retrieve any deleted recordings from the Trash within this time frame, if necessary.
At the conclusion of those thirty days, recordings contained within the Trash will be permanently deleted. Once recordings are permanently deleted, they cannot be retrieved.
If you would like to retrieve or relocate any Zoom Cloud recordings prior to permanent deletion, please utilize the following directions:
For recordings requiring long-term storage or which are utilized by someone other than the owner, WKU ITS recommends the extra step of uploading the recording to Mediasite. Recordings remain viewable beyond the two year creation mark, per our Mediasite Retention Policy.
For questions or further assistance, please contact WKU ITS.