Logon Method You Are Using Is Not Allowed


Why do I get this error message when I try to log into my computer?

The sign-in method you're trying to use isn't allowed. For more info, contact your network administrator.


  • Active Directory
  • Windows Operating System


Both the computer you are logging into and your Active Directory account (NetID) must be in the same Active Directory group, generally belonging to your department or area.  This error occurs when the groups do not match, or either the computer or your account do not yet have groups associated.


Please contact the ITS Service Desk to determine which rights should be assigned.  If there is another user in your department or area able to log into the computer successfully, please provide that user's name to the Service Desk consultant. 

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Article ID: 3319
Wed 6/5/19 9:20 AM
Thu 10/26/23 12:47 PM