Emails Bounceback When Using Auto-Complete


My emails are getting returned to me with a bounceback message stating that they were undeliverable. 


  • Exchange Email


Either the email address has been incorrectly typed, or the auto-complete feature has referenced an old Exchange object that is no longer used. 


  1. If you are typing the email address in manually, ensure that the entire address is correct. 
  2. If you are using auto-complete to fill in the address, remove the auto-completed address and manually type in the desired recipient's address in order to rebuild the auto-complete object. 
    Note: This may take some time, but generally should resolve once you have removed the auto-completed address and manually typed in the recipient address and also have sent replies to the recipient in a new email chain.
  3. If you are able to send the message using Outlook Web Access (OWA) then the problem resides with your actual Outlook client software rather than the account(s) in question. 
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Article ID: 3653
Fri 9/18/20 2:54 PM
Thu 10/26/23 2:04 PM