Receiving User Does Not Have Access Privileges Permission Error (macOS)


When I browse files synced to my Computer from OneDrive, I receive an error similar to:

Word cannot open the document: user does not have access privileges


  • macOS


This error can occur when the OneDrive app is reset, causing the account that owns the files to be logged out of the app. This is different than the computer/app going offline, as file ownership is still stored by the OneDrive app settings when offline.


  1. Open OneDrive.
  2. If not prompted to sign in, click the OneDrive  icon in the top-right corner of your screen, near the day/time, and click Sign In.
  3. Enter your WKU email address and click Sign In.
  4. It will prompt that a OneDrive folder already exists. Select Use This Location to confirm that you want to merge the content.
  5. The synced files and documents can now be opened again.