Articles about the Microsoft Office Suite programs for the Windows operating system.

Categories (4)

Articles (7)

Cannot Edit Alt Text

Information regarding being unable to edit alt text in documents saved in earlier versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Documents Missing from Microsoft Office Open Dialog

Information about some documents missing / not showing when attempting to open documents from a Microsoft Office program.

Image Resizing Problems in Microsoft Publisher

Information on the image moving/resizing glitch in Microsoft Publisher 2016.

Keeping Formatting of Copied Information

Instructions to paste information and retain the formatting from the source.

Missing Outlook

Instructions for adding Outlook to an existing install of Microsoft Office on a Windows 7+ computer.

Office 2016 Applications Displaying Incorrectly

Information and instructions for correcting display problems from Office 2016 on Windows 10 computers.

Removing Name from Tracked Changes in a Document

Information about removing a name from tracked changes in a Word document.