Articles about the Advisors & Student Data Inquiry tab in TopNet,.

Articles (10)

Accessing 5th Week Check-In on TopNet

Information about accessing 5th Week Check-Ins on TopNet.

Accessing Degree Works

Instructions for accessing Degree Works.

Expiring Student Accounts (TopNet)

Information about renewing student worker TopNet accounts.

Finding ID and PIN for Student Worker Account

Instructions to look up a student worker TopNet advisor account and reset the PIN.

Finding Student Email Address from WKUID Numbers

Instructions for finding a student's email address on TopNet using their WKUID Number.

Gaining Access to Advisor Tab

Information about getting access to the Advisor tab within TopNet.

Missing Faculty/Advisors & Student Data Inquiry Tab

Instructions on what to do if your Faculty/Advisors & Student Data Inquiry tab disappears.

Network Error When Accessing Electronic Imaged Documents

Instructions on what to do when you get a network error when access electronic imaged documents (e.g., student transcript) through TopNet.

Setting Hours for Availability in TopNet Advising Calendar

Instructions for setting availability hours in TopNet advising calendar.

Student ID Field Automatically Filled In (Chrome)

Instructions for removing stored student IDs from the Advisors & Student Data Inquiry tab in TopNet in Chrome.